{{{click on images to enlarge - a garden statue of the Virgin Mary with shrimp)
In world mythology the trickster figure is usually really
good at giving horrible advice. The irony is that the trickster is usually not
trying to sow discord or wreak havoc in people’s lives, he is sincere but
misguided. So the trickster has gotten a bad rap – he’s not a ‘trickster’- he
is not malicious, he’s just very sure of himself but wrong. I’m convinced that the serpent in the Garden
of Eden story is such a trickster figure and everything he promised to Adam and
Eve was something he really believed in. He thought he was doing them a favor
by passing on the knowledge of good and evil and really expected his counsel to
lead to amazing results. The serpent can represent our own inner capacity to
falsely assume impossible results or to, basically, use our intelligence to cheat
and cut corners in our spiritual or humane development instead of doing the
right thing.
In his show Garden at Marlborough Chelsea, Tony Matelli
presents two upside-down, naked human figures in painted cast silicone. Given
that the show is called Garden and the story of the Garden is that of the fall
of humanity due to a lack of discernment in judging between what’s good and bad
spiritual advice, I’m assuming these figures represent the effects of listening
to the serpent, namely the loss of grace in exchange for greater
self-consciousness. These two folks have been rendered incapable of effective
action and find themselves in an absurd condition searching for a solution to
right themselves. We see, as Heinrich von Kleist put it in his brilliant essay
“On the Marionette Theater”, “…the disorder that self-consciousness imposes on
the natural grace of the human being.” Kleist’s
prediction: “As we look in a concave mirror, the image vanishes into infinity
and appears again close before us. Just in this way, after self-consciousness
has, so to speak, passed through infinity, the quality of grace will reappear.” Between these two figures Matelli has a
levitating green day-glo rope sculpture of silicone that seems to represent the
serpent. It’s as if the rope doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to either given
the initial choice we made and the life of toil and conflict which followed.
Matelli also has various types of garden religious
statuary or statues from the classical era subjected to a sandblaster, each
statue serving as a stand to hold various types of cast bronze renditions of
food – there’s shrimp on the Virgin Mary for instance. I think I saw a Buddha
with oranges. What does this mean? This statuary promises greater meaning than
the vision of the world Schopenhauer, for instance, provided, where we are
stripped down to the basics of pure biological survival and everything else is supposedly
illusory. So we can say there is a contrast between the statues and the food –
one is relatively permanent and makes a promise of meaning (like the serpent?)
while the other is absolutely essential to the natural survival of our beings
and may cast the relevance of the statues in doubt. Or perhaps the food
represents a type of naturally spiritual (I hope that’s not an oxymoron)
sustenance like that promised from the Tree of Life, while the statues are the
dead, stone echoes of that which was originally offered to us by God in the
garden. The statues, perhaps, represent our clearer perception of the serpent’s
bad advice once the quality of grace reappears.
Tony Matelli
May 16 – June 20, 2015
Marlborough Chelsea
545 W. 25th Street
New York, NY 10001
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